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Bring Your Own Blood Test Kit

We provide professional phlebotomy services for individuals who have their own blood test kits. Our skilled phlebotomists are ready to assist you, ensuring a seamless and accurate blood test experience. Schedule your appointment today for reliable and convenient service.

Feeling Tired Blood Test

Are you feeling abnormally tired or fatigued? Unravel the mystery with this blood test! Explore the clues in your blood and gain insight into the common factors that doctors examine

Basic Health Blood Test

Stay on top of your health with this focused blood test of essential markers of good health

Standard General Health Screening Tests

Blood and urine tests for a range of markers of good health

Digestive Health

Screening tests for 2 causes of gastrointestinal upset: Coeliac disease and Helicobacter Pylori

Vitamins and Minerals

Check of various vitamin and mineral levels in your body to help prevent or manage deficiencies

Sports Performance Profile

Key health insights into your medical wellbeing and nutrition to assist you in optimising your training regime.

STI PCR Test (for 7 sexually transmitted infections)

PCR test for 7 STIs (sexually transmitted illnesses) including chlamydia and gonorrhoea

Cervical Screening

Our Cervical Screening test detects precancerous changes in cells, offering early intervention and potential cure. Don't wait for symptoms to appear – prioritise your health and safeguard against Cervical Cancer today.

Senior Female Health Advanced Screening Tests

A comprehensive panel of health tests for older women

Female Health Advanced Screening Tests

An extended panel of tests for women checking for a range of markers of good health

Female Health Advanced Screening Tests incl Hormones

An extended panel of tests for women checking for a range of markers of good health incl Hormones

Female Hormone Tests

A blood test assessing your hormone levels and related markers

Ovarian Cancer Screening Blood Test

A blood test for a marker for ovarian cancer

Senior Male Health Advanced Screening Tests

A comprehensive panel of health tests for older men

Male Health Advanced Screening Tests

An extended panel of tests for men checking for a range of markers of good health

Male Health Advanced Screening Tests incl hormones

An extended panel of tests for men checking for a range of markers of good health including hormones

Male Hormone Profile

A blood test assessing testosterone levels and related markers

Prostate Test

The PSA test is a blood test that can help suggest if you have prostate cancer. It measures the amount of a protein called prostate specific antigen (PSA). This protein is produced by both normal and cancerous prostate cells

Breast and Ovarian Cancer Genetic Tests

Discover your personal risk factors for these cancers by examining your DNA. This test tests for 8 genes (including BRCA 1&2) associated with breast & ovarian cancer

Hereditary Cancer Genetic Tests - 93 genes

93 genes associated with genetic cancer risk predisposition, including breast, ovarian, colon, gastric and other inherited cancer syndromes.

Cholesterol Profile + Diabetes Check

A blood test looking at choloesterol levels and a marker for diabetes. Key indicators for assessing risk of heart propblems


An electrocardiogram (ECG) is test that can be used to check your heart's rhythm and electrical activity.

Comprehensive Allergen Panel

An IgE blood test checking for 295 allergens, selected to cover the breadth of significant allergens form across the world


Assess lung function, detect diseases early, and take control of your lung health. Thorough Spirometry testing by experts for £150. Breathe easier, schedule now! Contact us for high-quality care.

Have a specific test in mind? We can probably help! Enquire now!

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