Travel Health Tips

Nishan Fernando

June 29, 2022

For almost all of us, it has been a few years since we took to the skies and enjoyed a holiday abroad. Despite the long queues and delays at airports recently, it’s been great to see planes in the air and hear about the holiday plans of excited patients at our travel clinic. As it’s been a while since many of our patients have been abroad, it’s easy to lose track of the additional vaccinations, medicines and now COVID-19 tests that you need to complete before you reach your holiday destination. With this in mind, we’re sharing what you need to consider in order to stay healthy and happy on your holiday.

COVID-19 Vaccination status

Whilst every country is different, many are still asking for proof of COVID-19 vaccination before flying. If you are yet to be vaccinated or perhaps you haven’t obtained proof of vaccination yet, it’s important to plan ahead. If you leave it too late you may not be able to get your status in time and you will not be allowed to travel.

You know that card in your wallet? It is not adequate proof for the authorities! The good news is that the NHS digital records are excellent and almost certainly hold record of all your COVID vaccinations.

Here are the 3 ways you can gain proof of COVID vaccination:

  1. Register for the NHS app to extract your COVID vaccination status.

  2. Access your Covid Pass through the online tool here:

  3. If you are less comfortable with technology then call 119 and they will be able to help.

Don’t forget if you have multiple trips this summer you will need to refresh your COVID passport.

Travel Vaccines

You may be well vaccinated for COVID-19, but when did you last think about vaccinations from Yellow Fever, Typhoid and Hepatitis A?

When you travel abroad, you often need additional vaccinations to protect yourself from infections which pose a threat in other parts of the world. Travel vaccinations protect you from potentially life-threatening conditions and risking travel without being protected is not worth it. Sometimes you will need 2 vaccinations a month apart ahead of travelling which is why it is strongly recommended to book your family in to a travel clinic at least 6 weeks before you travel.

Travel Medicines

Do you need antimalarial medication? Perhaps you planning to hike to a high altitude? Maybe you are crossing many time zones and worried about jetlag? What about travellers’ diarrhoea? Thanks to travel medicines, you don’t have to spend your trip feeling unwell or suffering from jetlag. As with everything when it comes to travel, it’s important to plan ahead to ensure you are covered for every eventuality.

COVID-19 tests

We recommend checking the COVID-19 test requirements for your destination a few weeks before you travel and then setting a diary reminder to check AGAIN the day before your test. Each countries policy is changing all the time and you don’t want to get caught out by a last-minute change.

Check the COVID-19 test requirements for your destination here.

Sun Protection

Travelling to a hot country? Sun cream should very much be a part of your daily skincare routine! We recommend using sun cream which has a SPF of at least 30 and 4 star UVA protection as a minimum. Apply 30 minutes before venturing outside and then every 2 hours after that.


Passenger Locator Forms: These have become almost universal in the pandemic. Whilst some countries have scrapped them, many haven’t. Click here to check the requirements for your destination.

Insurance: Perhaps you have a travel insurance policy, but will it cover you? Before buying, always check you are covered in the terms of your policy against the countries you intend to visit.


We hope you now feel more prepared for your next holiday (and excited, of course!). If you are yet to book your travel vaccinations or need a COVID-19 test, get in touch and one of our team will book you in. Now that you know everything you need to stay healthy on your trip all that’s left to say is have a wonderful time wherever you are going!